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Canadian Library Staff Support Day

by Jessica Woolman on October 18, 2013

The Canadian Library Association has declared October 18 as Canadian Library Support Staff Day.

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Children’s literature exhibit

by Jessica Woolman on October 16, 2013

Renowned author and illustrator Charles van Sandwyk will be speaking at UBC Library on October 31

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UBC Library and United Way Spelling Bee

by Andrea Coutts on October 15, 2013

UBC staff are invited to a competition to raise awareness for the United Way. Assemble your best spellers and compete for the United Way Cup of Victory!

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Inspiration on loan

by Glenn Drexhage on October 7, 2013

Indulge your inner inventor with Arduino computer kits - now available for lending at Woodward Library.

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Open access

Celebrating open access at UBC

by Jessica Woolman on October 7, 2013

Open UBC highlights open access initiatives at UBC during International Open Access Week and UBC's Celebrate Learning Week.

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A look inside a digital repository

by Jessica Woolman on September 27, 2013

Find out more about what cIRcle, UBC's institutional repository, can do for you.

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Richard Wagamese author reading

by Jessica Woolman on September 25, 2013

The Ojibway author of Indian Horse will be reading at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.

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Student Profile: Curating a rare collection with Heather Gring

by Andrea Coutts on September 24, 2013

Students employed at UBC Library often find themselves working with unique materials and fascinating historic primary sources.

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Librarian Profile: Leadership development with Diana Bang

by Andrea Coutts on September 23, 2013

Strong leaders are a significant asset for any organization, and UBC Library supports librarians as they pursue professional development.

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Staff Profile: Learning experiences with Carolyn Carvajal

by Andrea Coutts on September 23, 2013

Working at a leading academic library means having access to new technologies, and plenty of opportunities to learn new skills.

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