Learning Centre Olympic exhibit in UBC Reports
by Glenn Drexhage on January 8, 2010
The January 2010 issue of UBC Reports – the Winter Games edition – features a story on the Olympic Legacy Exhibit, now on display at the Learning Centre Gallery. You can view the story here: http://www.publicaffairs.ubc.ca/2010/01/07/how-ubc-has-shaped-canadas-role-in-olympics/Posted in Events | Tagged with exhibits, Media coverage
UBC librarian published in open access Partnership journal (December 21)
by Glenn Drexhage on December 21, 2009
Eugene Barsky, a Science and Engineering Librarian at UBC Library, has published an article in Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research. Partnership is an open access journal. The article, entitled “A Library Journal Club as a Tool for Current Awareness and Open Communication: UBC case study” can be viewed at http://journal.lib.uoguelph.ca/index.php/perj/article/view/1000/1558.Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged with accessibility, community engagement, librarians, Media coverage, open access
UBC on the podium
by Glenn Drexhage on December 18, 2009
UBC’s rich Olympic legacy is on display for those wanting a closer look at the athletes and academics who have helped shape Canada’s role in the global sporting event. The Olympic Legacy Exhibit, undertaken by UBC Library, University Archives and Public Affairs, features an array of images and documents that focus on UBC’s sporting history, […]
Learning Centre featured in Open Door newsletter (December 18)
by Glenn Drexhage on December 18, 2009
An update on the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre is featured on page 3 of Open Door, the newsletter of the B.C. Library Trustees’ Association. In addition, a photo and mention of Irving Barber appears on the previous page. You can view the newsletter at BCLTA_newsletter_fall2009Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged with IKBLC, Media coverage
LibQUAL: Spotlight on Users
by Glenn Drexhage on December 18, 2009
Steps to Success: the Sequel Once again, we’ve heard your concerns, and once again we’re responding. The 2009 LibQUAL survey, conducted at UBC Vancouver, provided UBC Library with another excellent overview of its users and their needs. It also reinforced some concerns that were identified in the previous survey, conducted in 2007 at the Vancouver […]Posted in General | Tagged with assessment, EZproxy, library survey, Robson Square, survey, UBC Okanagan
E-journal additions at UBC Library
by Glenn Drexhage on December 17, 2009
UBC Library has boosted its e-journal holdings, in response to students and researchers who have been asking for more extensive collections. As a result, the Library has been busy adding e-journal backfiles for the past 18 months, resulting in more than 2,900 titles from well-known publishers that cover a wide range of disciplines. Below are […]Posted in General | Tagged with journals, online access
We have a winner!
by Glenn Drexhage on December 16, 2009
The verdict is in – and the winner of UBC Library’s latest iPod contest is Stephen Yoon, a fourth-year science student at UBC. The contest, held during the fall 2009 semester, asked users to comment on a new and improved search tool that the Library is implementing. A beta version has been available on the […]
cIRcling UBC’s Olympic legacy
by Glenn Drexhage on December 16, 2009
A couple of years ago, UBC Library’s Hilde Colenbrander challenged a student from the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies to determine the amount of Olympics-related research and teaching on the UBC Vancouver campus. The resulting report was striking, as it highlighted all sorts of material from an array of departments and faculties: Education, […]Posted in General | Tagged with accessibility, cIRcle, community engagement, olympics, open access
More UBC librarians lauded (December 14)
by Glenn Drexhage on December 14, 2009
At the beginning of this month (see the December 3 post) we announced the success of David Lam librarians, who were recognized for their efforts in creating a unique guide. Now, there’s more good news about UBC Library and the BCLA ALPS (Academic Librarians in Public Service) Laud a Librarian “Gold Medal” contest. Sally Taylor […]Posted in General | Tagged with librarians, profile
Drippytown exhibit in Vancouver Courier (December 9)
by Glenn Drexhage on December 9, 2009
The Vancouver Courier features an article on the exhibit Drippytown: Vancouver Life Through the Eyes of Independent Cartoonists. You can view the article here: http://www2.canada.com/vancouvercourier/news/artsandentertainment/story.html?id=19ebf584-7f6a-4274-b1c7-f4872c60283d Drippytown is on display in Rare Books and Special Collections, located on level one of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.Posted in Events | Tagged with art, exhibits, Media coverage