Interlibrary Loan articles now delivered electronically
by Glenn Drexhage on October 21, 2009
Do you use UBC Library’s Interlibrary Loan or CISTI services to order articles from other (outside UBC) libraries? UBC Library now delivers interlibrary loan articles to you electronically. Just wait for an email saying your article has arrived, open the post-to-web link, and print off your article. We’re pleased to offer this new service as […]Posted in General | Tagged with online access
Exhibits in the Learning Centre gallery
by Glenn Drexhage on October 21, 2009
A trio of exhibits is now on display in the gallery space of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. Please see below for more information. The gallery is located on level two of the Learning Centre, to the left of the circulation desk. For information about the space, please contact Allan Cho at or […]
UBC and Open Access Week in e-Strategy
by Glenn Drexhage on October 15, 2009
UBC’s participation in the First International Open Access Week, which takes place on campus from October 20 to October 22, is highlighted in the latest issue of e-Strategy, the newsletter from UBC IT. Open access (OA) is about access to information and knowledge for all. It is a growing international movement that encourages the unrestricted […]Posted in Events | Tagged with accessibility, community engagement, Media coverage, open access
UBC Library/City of Vancouver Archives site featured in the Vancouver Observer
by Glenn Drexhage on October 14, 2009
The Chinese Experience in British Columbia, a new website that offers a fascinating look at a century of local Chinese-Canadian heritage, is featured in the Vancouver Observer. The site, which features digitized holdings from the Wallace B. Chung and Madeline H. Chung Collection at UBC, and the Yip family and Yip Sang Company collection at […]Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged with archives, Chung Collection, Media coverage
Open Access Week at UBC
by Glenn Drexhage on October 7, 2009
Join us at UBC as we take part in the First International Open Access Week. Open Access is a growing international movement that uses the Internet to throw open the locked doors that once hid knowledge. It encourages the unrestricted sharing of research results with everyone, everywhere, for the advancement and enjoyment of science and […]Posted in General | Tagged with accessibility, community engagement, open access
Learning Centre digitization program in UBC Reports
by Glenn Drexhage on October 7, 2009
The B.C. History Digitization Program, an initiative of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, is in the October 2009 issue of UBC Reports.Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged with BCHDP, digitization, IKBLC, Media coverage
Digitization project in Cariboo Observer
by Glenn Drexhage on October 7, 2009
A story about a digitization project supported by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre appears in the Cariboo Observer. The project involves the digitization of community newspapers, and also was supported by the Observer, the City of Quesnel and the Friends of Quesnel Museum. You can view the story here: in Uncategorized | Tagged with digitization, Media coverage
Serve yourself – and win an iPod!
by Glenn Drexhage on September 30, 2009
Check out your own books at UBC Library – and have a chance to win an 8GB iPod Touch! The event is sponsored by 3M to promote usage of the Library’s 3M self-serve book checkout units, which are in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Koerner Library and Woodward Library. On November 2, a draw […]
UBC Librarian featured in ARL publication
by Glenn Drexhage on September 29, 2009
Joy Kirchner, the Librarian for Collections, Licenses and Digital Scholarship at UBC Library, has published an article in a special issue of Research Library Issues from the Association of Research Libraries. You can view the article – entitled “Scholarly Communications: Planning for the Integration of Liaison Librarian Roles” – and other related pieces here: in Uncategorized | Tagged with librarians, Media coverage
Library Processing Centre is being relocated
by Glenn Drexhage on September 25, 2009
At its September 2009 meeting, the UBC Board of Governors approved the relocation of the School of Population and Public Health to the Library Processing Centre (LPC). The Library will vacate LPC by December 2009. To accommodate this move, the Library Processing Centre’s staff and services will be relocated within existing UBC Library sites, including […]Posted in General | Tagged with IKBLC, renovations