First Nations portrait donation/exhibition featured in UBC Reports
by Glenn Drexhage on March 10, 2010
An exhibition of First Nations portraits, on display during March 2010 at the Learning Centre Gallery, is featured in the latest edition of UBC Reports. B.C. artist Patricia Richardson Logie recently donated the portrait collection to UBC Library. “We’re grateful for Patricia’s donation to UBC Library,” Ingrid Parent, University Librarian, says. “Her portraits of Aboriginal […]Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged with donation, exhibitions, First Nations, Media coverage
Book review column in Business in Vancouver newspaper
by Glenn Drexhage on March 1, 2010
Business in Vancouver newspaper is now featuring a regular column of business book reviews, including a main review by Jan Wallace, the Head of the David Lam Management Research Library at UBC, and capsule reviews by Treena Chambers, the Marketing Technology Co-ordinator at UBC Bookstore. You can view the inaugural column below. This article from Business […]Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged with book review, business, Media coverage
Itineraries of Exchange: Cultural Contact in a Global Frame
by Glenn Drexhage on March 1, 2010
How do societies change in response to contact with other cultures? And what roles do objects play in mediating these connections over time and place? This two-and-a-half-day symposium – held March 4 through March 6 at the UBC Vancouver campus – brings together anthropologists, geographers, historians, Indigenous artists and activists, and literary scholars whose research focuses on cross-cultural encounters […]Posted in Events, General | Tagged with conference
Get up close with cIRcle at UBC’s Celebrate Research Week
by Glenn Drexhage on February 23, 2010
Ingrid Parent, UBC’s University Librarian, is inviting members of the University community to a special event entitled Get up close with cIRcle: Revealing your research to the world. cIRcle is UBC’s openly accessible digital repository for research and teaching materials created by the UBC community and its partners. Three UBC scholars will talk about using […]Posted in Events, General | Tagged with Celebrate Research Week
Happy 50th, Asian Library!
by Glenn Drexhage on February 23, 2010
UBC’s Asian Library, home to the largest Asian collection in Canada, is proud to announce its 50th anniversary celebrations. Five decades ago, the Asian Library was launched with the purchase of the unparalleled Puban collection from China. The same year, the Library became one of only three North American repositories of Japanese government documents. Today, […]Posted in General | Tagged with anniversary, Asian Library, Puban Collection
Cycling Metro Vancouver Route Planner nabs UBC Library award
by Glenn Drexhage on February 22, 2010
Michael Brauer, a UBC Professor from the School of Environmental Health, has won UBC Library’s inaugural Innovative Dissemination of Research Award for the Cycling Metro Vancouver Route Planner. The Innovative Dissemination of Research Award, which includes a certificate and $2,000, honours UBC faculty, staff and students who expand the boundaries of research with the creative […]Posted in General | Tagged with awards, Innovative Dissemination of Research Award
Chung Collection featured in Vancouver Sun
by Glenn Drexhage on February 15, 2010
The venerable Chung Collection, located in Rare Books and Special Collections in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, is featured in the February 15 issue of the Vancouver Sun. The article also features some comments from UBC Library’s Sarah Romkey. You can read the article here.Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged with Chung Collection, exhibitions, Media coverage
UBC Library’s Dean Giustini interviewed by Significant Science
by Glenn Drexhage on February 2, 2010
An interview with Dean Giutstini, “the Dean of Social Media in Medicine,” is featured on Significant Science – a blog about science, medicine, health and technology. Dean is a Reference Librarian at the Biomedical Branch Library. You can read the interview here.Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged with librarians, Media coverage, profile
Digital Cultural Content Forum at UBC
by Glenn Drexhage on January 29, 2010
The digital preservation of heritage content will be explored at an international forum held at UBC on February 2-3. The Digital Cultural Content Forum, hosted by the Canadian Heritage Information Network, will gather decision-makers from national government agencies, trend-setting museums and institutional networks to discuss content development and dissemination. UBC Library will feature forum presentations […]Posted in Events, General | Tagged with conference
Asian Library 50th anniversary essay contest – win $500!
by Glenn Drexhage on January 27, 2010
In celebration of the Asian Library’s 50th birthday, UBC Library is pleased to announce the Peter Ward Open Essay Contest. The contest’s theme is “How has the Asian Library helped you achieve your goals?” It aims to challenge students and community users to review their experiences and contemplate the Asian Library’s future. Essay topics on […]Posted in General | Tagged with anniversary, Asian Library