Ingrid Parent profiled in UBC Reports
by Glenn Drexhage on July 13, 2009
An article on Ingrid Parent, UBC’s new University Librarian, appears in the July 2009 issue of UBC Reports. You can view the article here: in Uncategorized | Tagged with librarians, Media coverage, profile, University Librarian
UBC Library’s TOTS featured in Partnership journal
by Glenn Drexhage on June 25, 2009
An article about UBC Library’s Tools for Outreach and Teaching Series (TOTS) appears in Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research. The article was written by Lindsay Ure, Susan Atkey and Katherine Miller, who are reference librarians at UBC Library. You can view the piece here: in Uncategorized | Tagged with Media coverage, research learning and scholarship, technology
RBSC folk collection ready for use
by Glenn Drexhage on June 12, 2009
Fans of British Columbia folk music, rejoice: more than 7,000 items from the Philip J. Thomas Collection are now catalogued and ready for use. Thomas, who was born in Victoria in 1921 and died in 2007, co-founded the group that became the Vancouver Folk Song Society. The collection, held by UBC Library’s Rare Books […]Posted in General | Tagged with collections
UBCO’s Gwen Zilm awarded CLA’s highest honour
by Glenn Drexhage on June 9, 2009
Gwen Zilm, Associate Vice President, Learning Services at UBC Okanagan, has been awarded with the Miles Blackwell Outstanding Academic Librarian Award. This is the highest honour presented by the Canadian Library Association. The award was recently presented to Zilm at a national library conference in Montreal. You can read more here: in General | Tagged with awards, librarians, UBC Okanagan
UBC Library in CPSLD newsletter
by Glenn Drexhage on June 8, 2009
The Spring 2009 issue of the newsletter from the Council of Post Secondary Library Directors (CPSLD) features a tribute to University Librarian pro tem Peter Ward, and an update on Ingrid Parent, the incoming University Librarian. UBC Library’s entry begins on page 18.Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged with IFLA, Media coverage, University Librarian
University Archivist selected for ARL Leadership Program
by Glenn Drexhage on May 5, 2009
UBC Library is pleased to announce that Chris Hives, University Archivist, has been selected to participate in the 2009/10 Research Library Leadership Fellows Program, from the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). This is an executive leadership program designed and sponsored by seven ARL member libraries: Brigham Young University and the University of Utah; University of […]
Asian Library/Ming Pao Digitization Project
by Glenn Drexhage on May 5, 2009
The Asian Library is pleased to announce the digitization of the Ming Pao newspaper, Western Canada edition, beginning with the inaugural issue that was published on October 15, 1993. The project was done in collaboration with Ming Pao. Articles published after May 2007 are available via free searches. Older issues are uploaded to the database […]Posted in General | Tagged with Asian Library, digitization
Bowen Island digitization project launched
by Glenn Drexhage on April 23, 2009
The Bowen Island Community Museum and Archives has launched its photographic database, which features more than 3,000 photos. This project was supported by the B.C. History Digitization Program, an initiative of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. For more information on the Bowen Island project, please visit in General | Tagged with BCHDP, digitization
B.C. Digitization Program wins BCLA award
by Glenn Drexhage on April 20, 2009
The B.C. History Digitization Program (BCHDP), an initiative of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, has been awarded a Programs and Services Merit Award by the British Columbia Library Association (BCLA). The award was presented at the annual BCLA conference in April. The awards committee noted that the organization was impressed with the project’s scope […]Posted in General | Tagged with awards, BCHDP, digitization
Bella Coola Digitization Project Completed
by Glenn Drexhage on April 16, 2009
The Bella Coola Valley Museum has completed its digital heritage project about logging in the region. This project was supported in part by the B.C. History Digitization Program, an initative of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. You can find out more about the Bella Coola project here: in General | Tagged with BCHDP, digitization