The Future of Our Past: the 2008 B.C. Digitization Symposium
by Glenn Drexhage on February 3, 2009
An article on the first B.C. Digitization Symposium, held recently at UBC, appears in the BCLA Browser (this is the new open access newsletter from the British Columbia Library Association). You can view the article here: in Events, General | Tagged with digitization
Live-in for Literacy project at Learning Centre featured in the Vancouver Sun
by Glenn Drexhage on January 21, 2009
From January 16, 2009 to January 26, two students are camping in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre foyer to raise support, awareness and funds for global literacy. The UBC students are participating as part of Live-in for Literacy 2009, a project that involves university students across Canada living in libraries. The aim is to […]Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged with IKBLC, literacy, Live-in for Literacy, Media coverage
UBC Library featured in Fine Books and Collections magazine
by Glenn Drexhage on January 7, 2009
UBC Library and the Chung Collection are featured in an article on Vancouver’s book culture in the January 2009 issue of Fine Books & Collections magazine. “Book Culture Thrives in Canada’s Frontier City” is by Nicholas Basbanes, an author who recently read and spoke at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged with Media coverage, Rare Books and Special Collections
Digital Tattoo project featured in the Globe and Mail
by Glenn Drexhage on January 2, 2009
UBC Librarian Sheryl Adam is among those quoted in an article about the Digital Tattoo program. “Where everybody knows your teenaged musings,” by Elizabeth Church, appears in the December 23, 2008 edition of the Globe and Mail. “Seth Tee got his first Hotmail account in Grade 4. By high school he was posting content on the […]Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged with Digital Tattoo, Media coverage
Learning Centre-backed digitization project in the Times Colonist, Globe and Mail
by Glenn Drexhage on December 11, 2008
A new B.C. electronic resource that involves support from the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre has launched. The British Colonist Digitization project is a joint venture with the Victoria Times Colonist newspaper and the University of Victoria Library, with support from other organizations including the Learning Centre. The project involves the digitization of issues of […]Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged with BCHDP, IKBLC, Media coverage
UBC librarians publish on podcasting
by Glenn Drexhage on December 10, 2008
Eugene Barsky and Kevin Lindstrom – two Science and Engineering librarians at UBC Library – have published an article entitled “Podcasting the Sciences: A Practical Overview.” The article appears in Issues in Science & Techology Leadership.Posted in General | Tagged with librarians
Facts and Fictions: photography at Koerner Library
by Glenn Drexhage on November 18, 2008
This free exhibition of photographic works is selected from Intermediate and Advanced Photography classes from the Visual Art program in the Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory at UBC. These works, done in response to course assignments or as self-directed projects, reflect a variety of approaches and ideas about the medium. Facts and […]Posted in General | Tagged with art, art exhibitions, exhibitions, Koerner Library
UBC Library and Learning Centre in CPSLD Newsletter
by Glenn Drexhage on November 17, 2008
Read about the latest developments at UBC Library and the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre in the Fall 2008 issue of the CPSLD Newsletter – a publication from the Council of Post Secondary Library Directors, British Columbia. Coverage includes space renovations, cIRcle, LibQUAL+ assessment, and UBC Library Vault, beginning on page 17 of the newsletter.Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged with assessment, cIRcle, IKBLC, library survey, Media coverage
RBSC participates in Archives Week
by Glenn Drexhage on November 14, 2008
Rare Books and Special Collections (RBSC) is participating in Archives Week, which runs from November 16-22. The event is organized by the Archives Association of British Columbia, and this year the theme is “Taking Care of Business: the Heritage of Trade and Commerce.” As part of this effort, RBSC offers an introduction to Yip Sang, […]Posted in General | Tagged with
Tony Harrison: Workshop on Speaking Verse
by Glenn Drexhage on November 13, 2008
Tony Harrison and award-winning actress Sian Thomas lead a master class at UBC on reading poetry aloud and delivering verse in performance. Some participants will have the opportunity to continue working with Harrison and Thomas on the delivery of verse and to perform scenes from Harrison’s plays as part of his final event at UBC […]Posted in General | Tagged with performance