

Digitization program/project in the Alberni Valley Times

by Glenn Drexhage on May 18, 2012

© Lara Swimmer Photography A project to digitize photographic archives for the Alberni Valley Museum is featured in the Alberni Valley Times. This project has been supported by the B.C. History Digitization Program, an initiative of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.

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UBC Library welcomes ALADN 2012: Sea to Sky

by Glenn Drexhage on May 18, 2012

  UBC Library is honoured to welcome ALADN 2012: Sea to Sky. The 18th annual conference of the Academic Libraries Advancement and Development Network (ALADN) runs May 20-23 at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. The conference, co-organized by the UBC Library Development Office, welcomes about 150 fundraising professionals from academic libraries across North America. […]

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UBC and copyright updates

by Glenn Drexhage on May 16, 2012

UBC has announced that it will not sign a license agreement with Access Copyright, the copyright collective, based on a model recently negotiated with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. You can read about the full articles – “UBC opts out of Access Copyright Agreement” and “UBC to pay for copyrighted material independently” […]

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A Day in the Life at UBC Library

by Jessica Woolman on May 15, 2012

© Lara Swimmer Photography

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Chinese Through the Americas Conference

UBC Library welcomes WCILCOS 2012

by Glenn Drexhage on May 15, 2012

UBC Library is pleased to announce that, in cooperation with the Ohio University Libraries, it will host the 5th WCILCOS International Conference of Institutes and Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies. The event will be held May 16-19 at UBC’s Point Grey campus, and will focus on “Chinese through the Americas.” More than 150 delegates from […]

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Supporting staff growth

by Jessica Woolman on May 15, 2012

  Academic libraries are changing rapidly in response to user needs, and so are theskill sets required by those who work in libraries. As part of its retention strategy and a commitment to nurture professional development from within, UBC Library created a Learning Opportunities pilot program in early 2011. Internal positions are created within the […]

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Image of Dustin Rivers

Preserving cultural heritage

by Jessica Woolman on May 15, 2012

An innovative UBC Library project is helping preserve First Nations history and culture for the digital age. The project, dubbed Indigitization, is a collaboration between various UBC units, including the Library’s Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, the First Nations House of Learning, the Museum of Anthropology (MOA) and the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies. […]

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Image of newspapers

Bringing B.C.’s history online

by Jessica Woolman on May 15, 2012

More than 45,000 pages chronicling B.C.’s storied past are available online following the completion of the British Columbia Historical Newspapers Project in late 2011. The project, led by the UBC Library’s Digital Initiatives Unit and generously supported by a private family foundation, features digitized versions of 24 historical papers from around the province. The titles, […]

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Image of Hilde Colenbrander

Open access to UBC research

by Jessica Woolman on May 15, 2012

Want to find a UBC thesis on the biological feasibility of Pacific oyster and California sea cucumber polyculture, but not sure where to start? How about guidelines on mine haul road design from the School of Engineering at the Okanagan campus? Have no fear — cIRcle, UBC’s digital repository, is here to help users near […]

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Photo of library staff

Coaching for student success

by Jessica Woolman on May 15, 2012

University life can be exhilarating and mind-expanding — but it can also be stressful for harried students juggling classes, assignments, papers and exams. Enter Coaches Corner, an award-winning program offered in the Chapman Learning Commons (CLC) in collaboration with UBC Student Development that helps students assess their study habits and skills, reflect on their academic […]

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