Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funding (TLEF)
UBC's Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) supports and encourages innovation in teaching and the learning environment.
A variety of UBC faculty and departmental partners, including the Library, apply for and receive TLEF funding on a yearly basis. The Library's successful TLEF-funded projects over the past several years are listed below. For a full listing, including departments and faculties across the university, visit the UBC TLEF website.
Large TLEF Project
Developing reusable technology workshops to enhance digital literacy |
Library contact: Jeremy Buhler, Research Commons |
Partnering Units: Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science, CTLT |
This project helps graduate students develop research-enabling digital scholarship skills through workshops offered by the UBC Library Research Commons. The output will be a series of six reusable workshops about digital scholarship technologies with potential to enhance students’ academic research and future work. The project responds to growing interest in data science among UBC students and focuses on technologies relevant to geospatial data systems (GIS). We focus on GIS for its multidisciplinary appeal and its relevance to curricula in Geography, Forestry, and the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA). |
Small TLEF Project
Professional Digital Identity for Student Pharmacists: Case Studies from the Digital Tattoo Project |
Library contact: Julie Mitchell, Learning Commons |
Partnering Units: CTLT, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, Centre for Student Involvement. Education Library |
Building upon the success of Digital Tattoo’s previous TLEF grant in 2017 with the Faculty of Education, we plan to develop open educational resources, including pharmacy practice-specific case studies, a collection of supplemental resources, and a structured workshop for 224 entry-to-practice students in the UBC Doctor of Pharmacy program. Each of these resources will address the pressing need for confident decision- making around digital identity in the health professions. |
Small TLEF Projects
Library Support for Open Textbook and Open Educational Resource (OER) Creation |
Library contact: Leonora Crema, Scholarly Communications & Copyright Office |
In this project, UBC Library will assist faculty in creating, adapting, or adopting open textbooks and OERs. Through a combination of confirmed faculty interest and an open invitation issued in early 2018, our goal is to produce up to eight open textbooks across subject disciplines. |
Small TLEF Projects
Augmented Reality for Library Literacy |
Library contact: Wendy Traas, Education Library Partnering Units: UBC Library's Chapman Learning Commons and School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (iSchool) |
Projected Number of Students Impacted: 1500 |
The project will involve iSchool graduate students and Library staff working together to develop site specific, self-guided library tours to enhance student learning about the library while using augmented reality. |
Expansion of Writing Support Resources: On-Call Workshops and Self-Directed Learning |
Library contact: Meghan Aube, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Partnering Units: UBC Library's Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and the Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication (CWSC) |
Projected Number of Students Impacted: 1500 |
This project will provide resources to support student writing, with an emphasis on upper-level undergraduates and graduate students. We will produce customizable workshops and train peer facilitators to deliver them. We will also develop accompanying self-directed learning resources, such as resource sheets, annotated sample texts, and exercises that students can individually access online or be used in a peer-facilitated environment. |
Your Professional Digital Identity: Case Studies from the Digital Tattoo Project |
Library contact: Julie Mitchell, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Partnering Units: UBC Library, UBC’s Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT), the University of Toronto’s iSchool. |
Projected Number of Students Impacted: 600 |
Our goal is to provide resources to support students making informed decisions about their digital identities and data ownership. Over two years, this pilot will be leveraged to develop a collection of open case studies to support graduates in Education, Law and Health Sciences. This year, we will build on our existing relationship with the Teacher Education Program to develop and pilot while identifying collaborators in the disciplines of Law and Health Sciences for an expanded project in year two. |
Large TLEF Projects
Greek Epigraphic Squeezes: Developing a Digital Environment (returning) |
Library contact: Larissa Ringham, Digital Initiatives Partnering Units: UBC Library Digital Initiatives and the Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies (CNERS) |
Projected Number of Students Impacted: 300 |
The Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies (CNERS) holds an extensive collection of approximately 700 epigraphic squeezes, paper impressions of ancient Greek stone inscriptions. The collection is comparable to few in North America and is a valuable pedagogical source of material; however, the materials are not accessible in their current fragile physical state. This CNERS student-driven project proposes to collaborate with the UBC Library to digitize the squeezes collection and develop the descriptive content necessary to deliver a comprehensive online collection. Once digitized, the materials will be used to introduce approximately 135 upper-undergraduate and graduate level students to the primary sources each year through classroom assignments in an online environment, and engage them in translation exercises that would give them an introduction to the Digital Humanities environment. More about the squeeze collection and the project can be found on the CNERS student blog. |
Scaffolding and Scaling up Integrated Experiential Learning Experiences in the Core Series, Land and Food Systems (returning) |
Library contact: Katherine Miller, Woodward Library and Hilde Colenbrander, cIRcle, UBC's Institutional Repository |
Partnering Units: Woodward Library, cIRcle and Land and Food Systems |
Projected Number of Students Impacted: 4187 |
WICKED (West Coast Interprofessional Clinical Knowledge Evidence Disseminator) (returning) |
Library contact: Charlotte Beck, Woodward Library |
Partnering Units: Woodward Library and UBC's Faculty of Medicine |
Projected Number of Students Impacted: 920 |
A web-based, interactive, simulated learning model will be developed and tested to teach students the steps of evidence-informed health care (EIHC). The team will develop a series of five Virtual Patient cases following the five steps of evidence based practice. The content and design of the cases developed through this project will allow integration into the curricula of all health professionals. |
Cultivating success for English as an Additional Language Students: a Library Flexible Learning Partnership |
Partnering Units: Vantage College, UBC iSchool and UBC Library |
Projected Number of Students Impacted: 300 |
For this pilot project, a co-op student from SLAIS, the iSchool at UBC, supervised by a librarian at UBC Library, and in collaboration with the faculty and students at Vantage College, will develop online and classroom-based instructional resources to support Vantage College student success specifically, and all international, multilingual students at UBC more broadly, to take advantage of a suite of resources and services offered by UBC Library. |
Small TLEF Projects (new)
Secondary Market Research Tutorial - Getting To Know Your Industry |
Library contact: Aleha McCauley, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre |
Projected Number of Students Impacted: 1650 |
Secondary research is integral to successful venture design, business planning and marketing strategy, but is seen by many as a time- consuming and challenging process. Understanding the difference between well-established and emerging or disruptive industries is an important first step to the research process. UBC librarians have been supporting students to learn how to identify and use credible open access and proprietary secondary sources through in-class demonstrations. This project will convert content that has traditionally been delivered in-person to an online, modular format, and engage students to develop a fresh student-centred perspective to this new series of animated "explainer" videos that will be repurposed across courses, disciplines and target audiences. |
Large TLEF Projects (returning)
Greek Epigraphic Squeezes: Developing a Digital Environment |
Library contact: Larissa Ringham, Digital Initiatives Partnering Units: UBC Library Digital Initiatives and the Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies (CNERS) |
The Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies (CNERS) holds an extensive collection of approximately 700 epigraphic squeezes, paper impressions of ancient Greek stone inscriptions. The collection is comparable to few in North America and is a valuable pedagogical source of material; however, the materials are not accessible in their current fragile physical state. This CNERS student-driven project proposes to collaborate with the UBC Library to digitize the squeezes collection and develop the descriptive content necessary to deliver a comprehensive online collection. Once digitized, the materials will be used to introduce approximately 135 upper-undergraduate and graduate level students to the primary sources each year through classroom assignments in an online environment, and engage them in translation exercises that would give them an introduction to the Digital Humanities environment. More about the squeeze collection and the project can be found on the CNERS student blog. |
Legal Research and Writing for the “Net Generation”: Developing an Interactive Online Course |
Library contact: Sandra Wilkins, George Tsaikos and Mary Mitchell, Law Library at Allard Hall |
Partnering Units: Law Library and the Peter A. Allard School of Law |
Legal Research and Writing is a mandatory 2-credit first year course. The Library hopes to work with CTLT to transform existing face to face course – currently delivered in eight sections to approximately 185 students – into an online environment. The goal is to move the course fully online within two years. The course would be beneficial to other members of UBC and the wider community, who are interested in developing these skills, and there is a possibility that the course may be adopted by other Canadian law schools and institutions that offer law-related programs. |
Collaborative Piloting of Badge-Based Learning Pathways |
Library contact: Erin Fields, Humanities and Social Sciences and Julie Mitchell, IKBLC |
Partnering Units: UBC Library, CTLT and the Masters of Education Technology Digital badges are emerging as a vital component of open, flexible learning systems as a way to signify levels of participation as well as the achievement of skills and knowledge. Within UBC, badge technologies have also been identified as an essential horizon to be explored in realizing our flexible learning potential. This project will convene UBC badge ‘early-adopters’ representing six Faculties, together with CTLT expertise, to collectively pioneer badge-based learning pathways on behalf of the entire campus. The pilot program includes formal and informal learning contexts as well as participatory and competency outcomes. |
Gold Rush in the Digital Age: Immersing UBC Students in Primary Sources in an online environment |
Library contact: Paul Joseph, Systems Librarian and Larissa Ringham, Digital Initiatives |
Partnering Units: University Archives, UBC Library's Digital Initiatives, Systems and Information Technology and UBC's Department of History |
UBC students benefit from the Library’s digitized collections but they are currently delivered in a passive environment- students can view digital collections and cite them as primary sources in papers, but there is not a method for delivering a more immersive experience, such as is practiced in the Digital Humanities. Using a collection of letters from the B.C. Gold Rush era, this project proposes to expose UBC History students studying B.C. history to such an immersive experience by providing an online mechanism for the students to participate in the transcription, description and analysis of the letters. |
Scaffolding and Scaling up Integrated Experiential Learning Experiences in the Core Series, Land and Food Systems |
Library contact: Katherine Miller, Woodward Library and Hilde Colenbrander, cIRcle, UBC's Institutional Repository |
Partnering Units: Woodward Library, cIRcle and Land and Food Systems |
WICKED (West Coast Interprofessional Clinical Knowledge Evidence Disseminator) |
Library contact: Charlotte Beck, Woodward Library |
Partnering Units: Woodward Library and UBC's Faculty of Medicine |
A web-based, interactive, simulated learning model will be developed and tested to teach students the steps of evidence-informed health care (EIHC). The team will develop a series of five Virtual Patient cases following the five steps of evidence based practice. The content and design of the cases developed through this project will allow integration into the curricula of all health professionals. |
TLEF funded
Growing and Sustaining the Graduate Research Commons |
Library contact: Trish Rosseel, Head, Koerner Library One of UBC Library’s strategic goals is to develop user-centered spaces and services to enhance student learning. To further advance service development of the Research Commons, the Library seeks to continue collaborating with partners to renew and improve its current suite of services – thesis formatting support, citation management, statistical software support and our interdisciplinary research discussion series. In addition, we are keen to build on recent explorations of data management planning support, expand statistical software support to include a tool for qualitative data analysis, and initiate support for the research ethics application process and for an interdisciplinary cinema salon series. |
The Learning Commons |
Library contact: Julie Mitchell, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (IKBLC) Project partners: IKBLC, CTLT, Student Development, and the Centre for Student Involvement and Careers |
The Learning Commons (formerly LEAP) TLEF was granted to the VP Students Office originally in 2005. It is a partnership between Student Development (most directly, the Centre for Student Involvement & Careers), UBC Library/Chapman Learning Commons and the Centre for Teaching Learning and Technology. This funding supports AMS tutoring, Peer Academic Coaching, the Learning Commons website, and a wide variety of student driven learning support programs both in the Chapman Learning Commons and campus-wide. |
Flexible Learning TLEF-funded initiatives
Taking Entrepreneurship 101 |
Library contact: Aleha McCauley, Community Engagement Librarian, Business Services Project partners: Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (IKBLC) and Sauder School of Business |
Entrepreneurship 101 is a university-wide initiative, bringing together students from multiple faculties to consider a future for themselves as entrepreneurs. This project will convert freshly developed e-curriculum into an innovative mixed mode format, with half of the work done in person and half-done online. E101 content is suited to this flexible learning approach as students take the concepts and tools they experience in class and apply them to Entrepreneurship Portfolios built around their own future ventures. Online learning can be customized to meet different student knowledge backgrounds. The mixed mode format also follows for future course scaling. Dr. Newton has developed multiple, successful mixed mode courses. The Library will be involved in the creation of e-learning resources and both in-person and online instruction in support of these courses. |
Webcasting 2.0: Annotating, Translating, & Indexing for Flexible Learning Project |
Library contact: Allan Cho, Program Services Librarian and Jing Liu, Chinese Language Librarian Partnering Units: IKBLC, Asian Library and Asian Studies Department |
The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre will deliver online lectures with Chinese subtitles through its webcast initiative in collaboration with UBC partners for programs of relevance and interest to faculty and student learning. This teaching and learning program will provide English to Chinese translation for a series of UBC-produced lectures, enabling UBC students to study and learn. Students will also gain valuable experience providing translation work for the project. The proposed project entails three phases: identification, production (includes transcription, annotation, captioning and indexing), and distribution via a website portal (www.daxue.ubc.ca). |
Greek Epigraphic Squeezes: Developing a Digital Environment |
Library contact: Larissa Ringham, Digital Initiatives Partnering Units: UBC Library Digital Initiatives and the Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies (CNERS) |
The Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies (CNERS) holds an extensive collection of approximately 700 epigraphic squeezes, paper impressions of ancient Greek stone inscriptions. The collection is comparable to few in North America and is a valuable pedagogical source of material; however, the materials are not accessible in their current fragile physical state. This CNERS student-driven project proposes to collaborate with the UBC Library to digitize the squeezes collection and develop the descriptive content necessary to deliver a comprehensive online collection. Once digitized, the materials will be used to introduce approximately 135 upper-undergraduate and graduate level students to the primary sources each year through classroom assignments in an online environment, and engage them in translation exercises that would give them an introduction to the Digital Humanities environment. More about the squeeze collection and the project can be found on the CNERS student blog. |
Legal Research and Writing for the “Net Generation”: Developing an Interactive Online Course |
Library contact: Sandra Wilkins, George Tsaikos and Mary Mitchell, Law Library at Allard Hall |
Partnering Units: Law Library and the Peter A. Allard School of Law |
Legal Research and Writing is a mandatory 2-credit first year course. The Library hopes to work with CTLT to transform existing face to face course – currently delivered in eight sections to approximately 185 students – into an online environment. The goal is to move the course fully online within two years. The course would be beneficial to other members of UBC and the wider community, who are interested in developing these skills, and there is a possibility that the course may be adopted by other Canadian law schools and institutions that offer law-related programs. |
Collaborative Piloting of Badge-Based Learning Pathways |
Library contact: Erin Fields, Humanities and Social Sciences and Julie Mitchell, IKBLC |
Partnering Units: UBC Library, CTLT and the Masters of Education Technology Digital badges are emerging as a vital component of open, flexible learning systems as a way to signify levels of participation as well as the achievement of skills and knowledge. Within UBC, badge technologies have also been identified as an essential horizon to be explored in realizing our flexible learning potential. This project will convene UBC badge ‘early-adopters’ representing six Faculties, together with CTLT expertise, to collectively pioneer badge-based learning pathways on behalf of the entire campus. The pilot program includes formal and informal learning contexts as well as participatory and competency outcomes. |
Gold Rush in the Digital Age: Immersing UBC Students in Primary Sources in an online environment |
Library contact: Paul Joseph, Systems Librarian and Larissa Ringham, Digital Initiatives |
Partnering Units: University Archives, UBC Library's Digital Initiatives, Systems and Information Technology and UBC's Department of History |
UBC students benefit from the Library’s digitized collections but they are currently delivered in a passive environment- students can view digital collections and cite them as primary sources in papers, but there is not a method for delivering a more immersive experience, such as is practiced in the Digital Humanities. Using a collection of letters from the B.C. Gold Rush era, this project proposes to expose UBC History students studying B.C. history to such an immersive experience by providing an online mechanism for the students to participate in the transcription, description and analysis of the letters. |
Scaffolding and Scaling up Integrated Experiential Learning Experiences in the Core Series, Land and Food Systems |
Library contact: Katherine Miller, Woodward Library and Hilde Colenbrander, cIRcle, UBC's Institutional Repository |
Partnering Units: Woodward Library, cIRcle and Land and Food Systems |
WICKED (West Coast Interprofessional Clinical Knowledge Evidence Disseminator) |
Library contact: Charlotte Beck, Woodward Library |
Partnering Units: Woodward Library and UBC's Faculty of Medicine |
A web-based, interactive, simulated learning model will be developed and tested to teach students the steps of evidence-informed health care (EIHC). The team will develop a series of five Virtual Patient cases following the five steps of evidence based practice. The content and design of the cases developed through this project will allow integration into the curricula of all health professionals. |
Expanding the Graduate Research Commons |
"Library contact: Trish Rosseel, Acting Head, Koerner Library |
The Library hopes to continue collaborating with FoGS and CTLT to renew and improve its current suite of services - thesis formatting support, citation management, and the Interdisciplinary Research Exchange. In addition, we hope to expand services to include peer-led data, GIS and statistical software support. |
Asian-Language Citation Guides |
Library contact: Shirin Eshghi, Japanese Language Librarian |
This project will address the citation formatting needs of undergraduate and graduate students conducting research using Asian-language sources. This will entail creating citation guides outlining standardized citation styles for Asian-language sources for use in both English and Asian-language research papers, as well as within UBC theses and dissertations. Graduate students supervised by Asian Library librarians will research the specific citation requirements for Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Persian and Punjabi resources, and will develop online guides that will be available for use by all UBC students with reading proficiency in these languages. |
Building the Graduate Research Commons |
Library contact: Trish Rosseel, Humanities and Social Sciences, Koerner Library |
One of the Library's key strategic goals is to develop user-centered spaces and services to enhance student learning, including the establishment of a Research Commons. In an effort to move forward as the physical space evolves, the Library plans to collaborate with campus partners to launch a suite of new services to assess their viability, scalability and sustainability. They will be coordinated by Library staff and delivered through a Research Commons Graduate Student Team. Establishment of the Research Commons will further UBC's Place and Promise plan, which outlines the need to both expand educational enrichment opportunities and build research spaces for collaboration and interdisciplinary work. It will also strengthen graduate student programs provided by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT). Furthermore, it will build on the success of other student-centred spaces on campus that aim to enhance the educational experience. |
Online Learning Opportunities for Commuter and Distance Education Students
Library contact: Trish Rosseel, Humanities and Social Sciences, Koerner Library
Open Educational Resource Fund
Open Educational Resource Fund
The Open Educational Resources (OER) Fund was established through the UBC Academic Excellence Fund to support affordable and inclusive access to learning materials through the adaption, adoption, development, and integration of OER within UBC credit courses.
OER Rapid Innovation Grant
Zines as Open Pedagogy – GRSJ 102 Zine Faire |
Library Contact: Erin Fields, Open Education & Humanities and Social Sciences Department |
Partners: Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice Department |
This project introduces students to the historical and ongoing activist medium of zines through a hands-on approach that incorporates open pedagogical practices. This project intends to familiarise students with the creation of zines, their historical context, and the role that zines continue to play in social justice activism today. As a medium that has inherently incorporated the concepts of remix and reuse (through collage, for instance), ethical questions around intellectual property in openly shared materials, and students as knowledge creators, this project will also introduce students to core issues of open educational resource creation. The project will culminate in a Social Justice Zine Faire in March 2020. |