

$40 Million Investment for UBCO Library Expansion

by Clare Yow on December 9, 2016

Accelerate Okanagan's reports on the $40.65-million investment at UBC Okanagan that will create jobs, support research and foster innovation.

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girl at piano

Yamaha Piano from Tom Lee Music Enriches UBC Library

by Clare Yow on December 8, 2016

A donation of an electronic silent piano from Tom Lee Music has greatly benefitted students at the Music, Art and Architecture Library. This article is a translation of the original Ming Pao Canada article.

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Woodward Library to receive a temporary new front entrance

by michelle blackwell on December 8, 2016

Woodward Library will receive a new front entrance to meet accessibility requirements. Work will begin after final exams on December 21st, 2016 and continue for approximately three months.

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UBC Okanagan receives $40M for Teaching and Learning Centre, Infrastructure upgrades

by Clare Yow on December 7, 2016

The Academica Group reports on UBC's upcoming Okanagan campus expansion, thanks to a joint federal-provincial and university investment.

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UBC Library Love

by Jasmine Devonshire on December 6, 2016

Students sharing their favourite authors and books.

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UBC Library Love

by Jasmine Devonshire on December 6, 2016

A student sharing her favourite writer.

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UBC Library Love

by Jasmine Devonshire on December 6, 2016

Students posing in costume and sharing some #UBCLibraryLove.

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UBC Library Love

by Jasmine Devonshire on December 6, 2016

UBC Library Communications team at the Chat and Chew booth.

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UBC Library Love

by Jasmine Devonshire on December 6, 2016

A student sharing his favourite aspect of UBC Library.

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image of canned food

2016 Food for Fines campaign raises $3,600 to support UBC students in need

by michelle blackwell on December 6, 2016

This year’s UBC Library and Alma Mater Student Society Food for Fines Campaign raised a total of $3,600.00.

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