About the prize
The UBC Undergraduate Prize in Library Research is a way to showcase students’ effective and innovative use of library services, information experts and resources provided by the UBC Library. Applications for these prizes also provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their information-seeking experience, showcase their research beyond the classroom, and promote scholarship excellence at the undergraduate level at the University of British Columbia.
The Prize was established by UBC Library to encourage more and deeper use of its resources and collections, to advance information literacy at UBC, and to promote academic excellence at UBC.
The Undergraduate Prize in Library Research recognizes excellence in course-based research papers or projects that show evidence of:
- Significant inquiry using the UBC library, its resources, and collections
- Significant learning about the research and information-gathering process itself
- Diana Andrews, 3rd year Faculty of Arts student, won the $2,000 prize for her project A Machine Inhabited by the Ghost of a Woman: Nonhuman Agency in Mary Borden’s The Forbidden Zone.
- CJ McGillivray, 3rd year Faculty of Arts student, won the $2,000 prize for her project The Ideal (Ro)man: How Portia Balances Violence and Integrity in Julius Caesar.
- Kyla Terenzek, 4th year Faculty of Arts student, won the $2,000 prize for her project No species-level evidence of thermophilization in microclimates of the Mytilus edulis species complex in the Pasley Island Archipelago after the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heat Dome.
- Alexei Villareal, 3rd year Faculty of Arts student, won the $1,000 prize for his project (Extra)ordinary People: Familial Memory and Heterotopia in the Visual Chinatown of Yucho Chow.
- Mari Noble, 2nd year Faculty of Arts student, won the $2,000 prize for her project Ambition + Imagination: Royal Gardens of Fierce Warriors.
- Anabella McElroy, and Eden Solarik, 4th year Faculty of Arts students, and Harry Sadleir, 4th year Faculty of Science student, won the $2,000 prize for their group project UBC: How We are Organized.
- Richard He, 2nd year Sauder School of Business student, won the $1,000 prize for his project The Association between Age and Party Votes in US Elections.
What are students being judged on?
The reflective statement submitted by the student will be judged on the following criteria:
- The clarity and eloquence of the description of the research process.
- Ability to locate, select, evaluate, and synthesize UBC library collections in support of the research paper, project (individual or group project) research journey or journal assignment.
- The use of UBC Library collections, including, but not limited to, print resources, databases, primary, secondary, tertiary sources, materials in all media; as well as UBCV/O Library services and personnel.
- If your original assignment was written in a language other than English, you do not have to translate the assignment for this application. However, your reflective statement must be in English. Additionally, submissions of works in other languages may benefit from the inclusion of an English translation.
View the evaluation rubric, which will be used in the adjudication process.
The focus of the prize is based on effective and innovative research skills, the use of information sources and/or services, and the ability to proficiently summarize these in a statement. The reflective statement is key to a strong and successful application, and will hold the most weight with the judges, rather than the research assignment.
Eligibility to be considered for the awards are as follows:
- Applicants must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate program at either UBCV or UBCO, and currently attending courses at UBCO or UBCV. This program must be the applicants’ first undergraduate program from any post-secondary institution.
- Applicants from any discipline or major, and from both campuses, are encouraged to apply.
- Group projects may be submitted.
Applications need to include course work or projects completed between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024.
Applicants are required to submit:
- A research paper or project.
- A reflective statement of between 600-1000 words.
- A letter of support from the Faculty member who taught the course for which the paper or project was created.
Prizes will be awarded at the discretion of the Undergraduate Prize in Library Research adjudication committee. One prize of $3,000, two prizes of $2,000 and two prizes of $1,500 are available. All prizes may not be awarded annually.
Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions for additional information.
For any other questions or more information, please email library.ugradprize@ubc.ca.
Important dates
- Submission deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. PST
- Winners announced: early-April 2025
- Prize ceremony: mid-May 2025
Award recipients