Instructor Information

Faculty are encouraged to share information about the prize with students who have submitted work that meets the prize criteria.

Students applying for the UBC Undergraduate Research Prize require a letter of support from their course instructor to be considered for the prize.

It is the responsibility of the student(s) to request a letter of support from the course instructor for the class the research paper or project was completed in.

The selection committee will not solicit letters of support from instructors or send reminders. Applicants are responsible for making sure the application package is complete.

The letter should address the following:

  1. How the student or group’s use of the UBC Library or other resources contributed to an exceptional research paper or project.
  2. The content and quality of the paper, especially the appropriate and thorough use of research materials. This letter is essential for the judges to evaluate projects.

Please attach your letter of support to by Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. and include your student’s name, your name, and course code.

Submissions will be judged based on how well students demonstrate:

  • Significant inquiry using the library, its resources, and collections
  • Significant learning about the research and information-gathering process itself

Please reach out to if you have a question that is not answered on the Frequently Asked Questions page.

A prize ceremony will be held in May 2025. If a student you wrote a letter of support for is a prize winner, you will be invited to take part and provide remarks.