The third-annual Open UBC will kick off October 22, celebrating open access to information. The events encourage the academic community to come together to share and learn about open scholarship initiatives locally and worldwide.
Highlights include:
- Peter Binfield, former managing editor of PLoS ONE and co-founder of the up-and-coming PeerJ discussing megajournals
- Paul Stacey, senior project manager at Creative Commons discussing open learning
- Margaret Munro on the muzzling of government scientists
- an open robotics and 3D printing demonstration
- a range of experts on open education and flexible learning, including Erin Fields, UBC Library’s Teaching and Learning Librarian.
All of these events are free and open to the public.
The full schedule with speaker biographies, session information and more is available on the Open UBC website. The session titles are listed below:
- Open Access Megajournals – have they changed everything? *keynote webcast
- Muzzles, Media Offices and Message Control
- Student Open Access Pecha Kucha
- Open Textbook Workshop
- Open Freedoms / Open Practices with Paul Stacey, Creative Commons * keynote webcast
- Reclaiming the Open Learning Environment
- The Whys and Hows of Open — Transforming Learning Through Open Pedagogies and Practices
- MOOCs and On-Campus Learning
- Open Robotics and 3D Printing Demo
- The Future? Open Online Courses and the Library
In conjunction with UBC’s Celebrate Learning Week, International Open Access Week, and the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology at UBC.