4 responses to “OpenAthens transforms user access to library resources, replacing EZproxy and IP address authentication”

  1. Corey Snelgrove

    Hi there,

    I’ve been experiencing major difficulties with OpenAthens. I continue to receive – no matter the journal article – the following message: “Forbidden. You appear to have been referred here too many times. Try again later.”

    Thanks for your help.

  2. Anna Moorhouse

    Hi Corey, Sorry to hear that you’ve been having access issues with OpenAthens. You can contact Borrower Services here to get help with this: https://services.library.ubc.ca/borrowing-services/library-account/my-library-account-assistance/

  3. Stefanie Sternagel


    I have also been having a ton of trouble with OpenAthens, receiving the same error as Corey above…so it seems like more than just issues with individual users…I had no problem with EZproxy before.

    Thanks for your help.

  4. Anna Moorhouse

    Hi Stefanie, We’re sorry to hear that you’ve had that issue! Please do reach out to Borrower Services through the form on our website to get help with it: https://services.library.ubc.ca/borrowing-services/library-account/my-library-account-assistance/