An article on cIRcle and its Olympic aspirations appears in Game Time, the e-newsletter of the UBC 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Secretariat. cIRcle is UBC’s institutional repository, developed by UBC Library. You can view the article here:
UBC has joined SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition), the Public Library of Science (PLoS), The Students for Free Culture, OASIS (the Open Access Scholarly Information Sourcebook); Open Access Directory (OAD); and (Electronic Information for Libraries), and over 200 institutions worldwide in the First International Open Access Week
UBC’s participation in the First International Open Access Week, which takes place on campus from October 20 to October 22, is highlighted in the latest issue of e-Strategy, the newsletter from UBC IT. Open access (OA) is about access to information and knowledge for all. It is a growing international movement that encourages the unrestricted […]
Join us at UBC as we take part in the First International Open Access Week. Open Access is a growing international movement that uses the Internet to throw open the locked doors that once hid knowledge. It encourages the unrestricted sharing of research results with everyone, everywhere, for the advancement and enjoyment of science and […]