“The past year has demonstrated, perhaps as no other, that the expertise, collections and programmed spaces offered by UBC Library are indispensable in supporting the missions of teaching, research and learning that are the heart of UBC.”
— Dr. Susan E. Parker
A year of transformation
When we had to close the doors to the library’s physical branches temporarily in mid-March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, it was impossible to predict what the next year would bring or how the library’s services and spaces might need to change to best serve our campus community. What followed confirmed how well-positioned UBC Library was for this pivot, facilitated by our move towards an e-preferred acquisitions model since 2015 and the availability of so many of our experts through remote service options. Read more about UBC Library’s highlights from the past year.
Total e-books
Total physical items
Unique items accessed through the Hathitrust ETAS
Bookings of safe study space in IKBLC
Workshop participants
Classes offered