UBC Library is proud to be part of Celebrate Research Week at UBC, which takes place March 2-9, 2012 and highlights research excellence across UBC’s faculties, departments, schools and partner institutions. As a #research partner at UBC, the Library connects faculty and students with local and global information resources, and enables new forms of knowledge creation, dissemination and exchange.
In addition to the events listed below, UBC Library will announce the winner of the 3rd Annual Innovative Dissemination of Research Award at the Celebrate Research Week Gala. Established by the Library in 2010, this award focuses on new and innovative ways of communicating and disseminating knowledge.
We are proud to support this year’s Celebrate Research Week with the following workshops, discussions, open houses and other events at our Vancouver campus:
Event | Description |
Systematic Review Literature Search
Librarians from our Life Sciences branches will host this all-day workshop for those planning or beginning a systematic review, or wishing to improve on locating and managing a comprehensive literature search. Open to post-graduates, researchers and research assistants. Morning and coffee breaks included, but please bring your own lunch. |
Scholars’ Rights and Responsibilities: Understanding Appropriate Use of Copyrighted Material
Develop an understanding of use permissions for copyrighted materials and licensed material, author’s scholarly rights and publisher agreements. Information covered is ideal for researchers, instructors and faculty. |
Current Awareness Tools for Business Researchers
Designed for graduate students at the Sauder School of Business, this workshop will cover how to set up alerts for: business and finance news; articles in your research area; the latest issues of important journals and business books at UBC Library. |
Celebrating the Research Commons: Evolving Spaces and Services for Graduate Students
In collaboration with campus partners, UBC Library was recently awarded a Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund Grant to develop two new services as part of the Koerner Library Research Commons (now under development). Come to this session to hear more about these new services, new spaces being considered, and to contribute to our planning process. Some of the proposed services include:
Your Research goes Global with cIRcle
UBC’s digital repository, cIRcle, makes papers, dissertations, student projects and webcasts available to the world as online open resource. As part of Celebrate Research Week, cIRcle is holding an informal discussion on the merits of adding your scholarly research to a digital repository. Hear first-hand feedback from faculty, students and librarians who have used cIRcle to propel their research. As of the end of February, there were more than 39,600 items in cIRcle. Explore cIRcle for your #research needs. |
UBC Library Digitization Centre
Our new Digital Initiatives Unit is a key part of the Library’s digital agenda. Its goal is to create sustainable, world-class programs and processes to make collections and research accessible beyond UBC. |