4th year – Chemical Biology, Faculty of Science
Favourite spot: Ridington Room in the Music, Art and Architecture Library
Q: What type of things do you look for in a study space?
It has to be a super quiet area and something within me should just click. I need to vibe with the space, so that when I go there and see everyone studying, it will encourage me to study too. It needs to be a place that would have minimal noise and with comfortable seats. I think the Ridington room gives me more than that just through the atmosphere.
“It has to be super quiet and something within me should just click. I think the Ridington room gives me more than that just through the atmosphere.”
Q: How long did it take you to find this spot?
I found out about this spot when it was introduced to me by the orientation leader on Imagine Day in 2017. Our leader was showing us around the university and said, “I’m going to show you my favourite study spot!” She took us to IKBLC, didn’t look left or right and just took us straight to the Ridington Room and said, “This is it, feel the Harry Potter room.” It was the first day so obviously I forgot my way here, I would try to go to different libraries and eventually I found my “Harry Potter” room again.
“I just feel that I belong here.”

Q: What makes this spot special and why do you choose it over other locations?
It’s the furniture, the paintings, the lighting and the studious vibes that I get. The feel of the room really gets me in the mood to study and to say “No more procrastination!”. The other libraries on campus are also really good, but I just feel that I belong here. This spot is also really close to my classes and other places I go to on campus as well, so it’s very central.
“It’s the furniture, the paintings, the lighting and the studious vibes that I get. The feel of the room really gets me in the mood to study and to say ‘No more procrastination!’”

Q: Besides studying here, are there other resources available in the space that you use?
Printing! I also use the Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication (CWSC) for writing consultations. I used this especially in my first year when I was introduced to the writing services in my English courses. I thought it was really nice that you get to go in and talk about the strengths and weaknesses in your writing, so there’s more targeted feedback for you to improve on.

Q: What are your studying must-haves?
It’s kind of the norm for things to happen on a computer, but I also need a pen and paper beside me, so that when I have quick ideas I can just jot them down. For me, drawing on a piece of paper helps me stay focused and concentrate more. So along with my laptop, I always need a pen and paper! I also need my charger of course, but if you do forget your charger, you can ask to borrow one at the Chapman Learning Commons Help desk.
“There are so many places in that MAA library that you can find a spot to study.”

Q: What’s the best time of the day to study here?
I definitely come in the morning, that’s when you’re more likely to find a good spot with good natural lighting. 3 – 4 p.m. is also a good time. 12 -2 p.m. is a bit harder to find a good spot, but if that happens, I go to the MAA to find a study room. You can book those rooms with a group and have your own space to study. That is also something I find very resourceful at IKBLC, that even if you can’t find a spot in the Ridington room, there are so many other places in that MAA library that you can find a spot to study.

Q: How much time do you spend here on average?
Every time I spend about 2-3 hours here.
“Any time I come here, my productivity is boosted and that never changes.”
Q: Has remote and hybrid learning changed how you study or how often you use the library?
Since I come from North Delta, it’s a long commute, so if I have all online course for the day I don’t come to the campus. The days that I am here, I will try to come for at least an hour if not more during my 2-hour break. I’ve definitely decreased my time that I visit, but any time I come here, my productivity is boosted and that never changes. I miss my Harry Potter (Ridington Room) room so much! In the first year when I lived in residence this was my go-to place to study. I just feel connected here; I just come here and think I have 50 minutes to study before I go to my next class, so I make the best out of it and I get the work done with the time I allot for myself.