The Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.
Starting January 21, 2019, UBC Library users will be able to pick up materials ordered through the Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) from any UBC Library branch, including UBC Robson Square and the BC Children’s & Women’s Hospitals (BCCW) Study and Learning Commons, as well as UBC Okanagan Library.
Previously, materials ordered through ASRS have only been available for pickup at the circulation desk of the Music, Art and Architecture Library in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (IKBLC). After this change goes into effect, you will be able to choose a branch pickup location when you place an ASRS order using the Library’s online catalogue, and retrieve your materials from the circulation desk of your chosen branch.
You can also continue to pick up your ASRS materials from IKBLC by selecting “I.K. BARBER circulation” as your pick up location. If IKBLC is selected as your pick up location, your items will typically be available for pickup within approximately 15 minutes, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Monday to Friday), and after 30 minutes at all other opening hours. For all other Library branches, materials may take up to two full business days before they become available to pick up. Please also take note of your chosen branch’s opening hours, as these may vary.
In the Library catalogue, items that are stored in ASRS can be identified by the Location field.
For items in the Library’s catalogue that are marked “I.K. BARBER LIBRARY ASRS storage (branch use only)” and “XWI7XWA ASRS storage (branch use only)” be aware that these items will be available to pick up from any branch, but they will be used only in the chosen pickup branch and must be returned by the end of the business day.
Please note that this service change only applies to requests for materials ordered through ASRS, and does not apply to requests for materials from Rare Books & Special Collections or University Archives, which must be requested in person through a staff member. These materials can only be used in the Rare Books & Special Collections and University Archives reading room.
You can continue to submit all ASRS requests using the Library’s catalogue, and requested materials will be held for 3 days at your chosen pickup location. When you submit your request, you will also now receive an email notifying you that your requested items are available for pickup.
Learn more about Library storage and ASRS on the Borrowing Services website.