What do the holidays mean to you? UBC Library wants to know.
Beginning December 2, for 12 days, the Library will be posting recommended books, DVDs, videos, resources and more – all of which celebrate the holidays. From favourite seasonal albums to must-watch movies, the reviews invite you to submit your favourites, too!
Visit Facebook for daily reviews.
Submit your favourites in the comments, or send them to Library Communications for posting on our Facebook page.
Day 1. Film, book and music reviews from Dean Gage Averil
Day 2. White Christmas movie review from a student librarian at Woodward Library
Day 3. Florence Nightingale letters review from a staff bibliophile
Day 4. Die Hard and other holiday traditions
Day 5. Holiday reading and traditions from UBC’s Chief Information Officer, Oliver Grüter-Andrew
Day 6. Music, film and books from Nancy Hermiston, UBC Opera Ensemble
Day 7. Crazy holiday family madness
Day 9. A Charlie Brown Christmas
Day 10. Popular business books from David Lam Library
Day 11. Let it snow
Day 12. A Christmas Carol