A profile of Douglas Coupland, the prolific writer and artist, appears in Montecristo magazine. In 2010, Coupland donated his extensive archives to UBC Library, and accruals have been added since then.
Today, the University of British Columbia Library has accumulated over 200 boxes of Coupland’s personal effects: notepads, early drafts and manuscripts, prototypes and moquettes of artworks, fanmail and professional correspondence, samples from the Roots Collection, ephemera, and works in progress – anything and everything that documents his process from concept to creation. As lead archivist Sarah Romkey says, “We sometimes have to rethink what we consider an archive, when we’re working with Doug’s material. We learn about our own process as archivists – what you keep and how you organize it.
Read more in Never Left Art School, by Craig David Long in Montecristo.