UBC Library is pleased to announce that it is the recipient of TLEF (Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund) support for two projects. “Online Learning Opportunities for Commuter and Distance Education Students” has been granted more than $25,000, and “Working 2.0: Co-Curricular Learning Tools Assessment, Evaluation and Development for a Business School Learning Commons” has been granted more than $32,000. Trish Rosseel, UBC Library’s Teaching and Learning Librarian, is the lead on the former project, and Jan Wallace, Head of the David Lam Library, is the lead on the latter project.
The Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund was created in 1991 to enrich student learning by supporting innovative and effective educational enhancements. Each autumn, the Vice Provost and the Associate Vice President Academic Affairs invites all UBC Vancouver faculties to apply to the TLEF. An adjudication committee reviews and ranks proposals and recommends appropriate funding to those approved.
Congratulations to the winning applicants, and thank you to all Library employees who applied for the latest round of TLEF funding.